Arthur Braginski is currently 24. He was born on June 5th, 1991, almost two years after Alfred Braginski was born.
Lawrence Braginski is 22. He was born on May 17th, 1993.
Shawn Braginski is 21. He was born on June 17th, 1994.
Ivan Braginski is 19. He was born on December 6th, 1996.
Also, we introduced a NEW character.
Wendell Suomi!
Wendell Suomi is a cute little kid who's 12 years old. His birthday is September 2nd, 2003 and he hangs out with the Braginski family a lot. Also, he's NOT Finnish...even though his last name is Suomi, which is Finnish for Finland. It is said he interacts a lot with Wy, Seborga, and Sealand.
There... Wendell will make some appearances soon.
Also, this is hella creepy but THIS is Belarus, guys.
I lied about the tall guy being Belarus.
and also denmark is uglier than that hahahaha that's a BLONDE VERSION OF ROMANO
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