Even though he shares the same name as a creepy guy.
Anyways, this poster is so so SO inaccurate. First of all, Edward is NOT that creepy. I mean look at Alfred, he's not creepy. And hell no, Roderick does not have a beard.
The below is a more accurate picture.
I mean still; Edward is still too creepy, but you portrayed Nikolai completely right, Roderick to my liking...
Lucas is a nerd, and look where Luigi is going. Wow, Luigi, with a knife? Maybe that knife is planned against revenge for peachy idiot?
Everyone: Luigi is back!!!! And now he looks much better... I mean look at Lucas. He's technically a nerd. Also, Edward is REAL creepy. Was he made to be like this? Alfred is creepy enough, but he never smiles.
Luigi: Also, it wasn't really my puffin. Peachy plays games with me, not the puffin.
Nikolai: Believe me, he has killed some people after saying that Peachy hates you. Luigi always uses an emulator.
Random Girl: When did Ivan Braginski start wearing red?
Nikolai: You CALL me Ivan Braginski? No, you're wrong. Ivan Braginski does not look that cool. You see this? That's a middle finger. You see my other hand? That's a KNIFE. You're DEAD.
Other Random Girl: When did Nikolai start being nice, stop holding up a middle finger... and did you finally get rid of your scar, Luigi? When did you stop playing video games?
Ivan Braginski: Hello, I'm Ivan Braginski! Nikolai was never nice, and plus he always holds it up! And no, that's not Luigi either! Luigi has darker hair and green eyes!!!
Shawn Braginski: Yeah. I think Luigi has a social life...
Lucas: Yes. Much more social than you.
Edward: Hello, Ivan Braginski.
Ivan Braginski runs away.
Back with Nikolai!
(The girl had her throat slit)
Luigi: How many people have Nikolai killed today?
Luigi and Peachy adventures!
Peachy: Well you see, Nikolai can be called a murderer. I mean; Ivan Braginski is cute, but Nikolai is the opposite. I'm your best friend. That's an AWESOME brother you have!
Luigi: And that, Roderick smokes lots of cigarettes... in fact, some people call him the ruler of cigar town.
Roderick: Yeah... cigars.
The End?
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