Saturday, February 6, 2016

Poisonous Lunches

This is a story about Germany and Bridget. While Germany brings his lunch, Bridget doesn't. What will happen to her? This happens in school.
During lunch, you could either bring or buy your lunch. There are siblings Germany and Bridget Edelstein.
Germany was at a table. His sister was buying her lunch, while he brought his lunch. Bridget comes with some bad looking pizza and French Fries.
Bridget: Big brother, why aren't you buying your lunch?
Germany: Why would you eat that? I always bring my lunch, because it's much less disgusting, plus you can have your own food.
Bridget: Are you STUPID!? This is delicious! Plus, you don't have pizza and French Fries in your lunch! You just have a ham and cheese sandwich, fruit punch, and some mango for fruit!
Germany: My ham and cheese sandwich isn't poisoned.
TURKEY: HEY!!! I bring better sandwiches! And plus, cheese is DISGUSTING! Greece brings turkey sandwiches and I HATE HIM FOR THAT!
Greece: Why do you always bring chicken sandwiches? Technically, turkeys and chickens are confused. Plus, I think that...
Bridget: It's not a sandwich made out of you. Now let me eat my pizza or else. 
TURKEY: SHUT UP! One of my fellow friends, Donald Trumpet, always bought his lunch. I didn't. Then... HE DIED.
Bridget: Hey! At least my other friend, Justin Bieber, also buys his lunch! Elizaveta also buys her lunch!
TURKEY: Well, her little boyfriend Ivan Braginski DOESN'T!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ivan Braginski: I hope Elizaveta doesn't die.
Germany: Fine, sister... eat your pizza.
Bridget was at the school hospital, because she ate a bad pizza.
Ludwig Beilschmidt: Germany, I'm afraid that your sister is poisoned with salmonella. And no, it's not Ella made out of salmon.
Germany: Well, she said the pizza was cold...
Ludwig Beilschmidt: Also, Justin Bieber and Elizaveta got salmonella too. There are lots of patients here today.
Germany exits out of the nurse's office, and goes back to his class.
Austria: So, how was it?
Germany: My sister has salmonella. It is assumed that all the lunch buyers are in there.
Lawrence Braginski: What losers.
Feliciano Vargas: I hope brother is okay... I always warned him...
Prussia: Romano "LOVING" Vargas brings mein gott every day!
Lawrence Braginski: No, he doesn't.

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