Monday, January 4, 2016

Chibiromano Mawaru Chikyuu Rondo (NON-SERIOUS)

this is from APH, season 5.


Maybe we'll steal this ending, and make your LEAST FAVORITE CHARACTERS sing it.

"Hey, don't mind Romano. At least for today, I'm the boss!"

Spinning, spinning, hand-in-hand
It's the world spinning round
Stomp your feet to the beat and Spain!
Why was Iceland gonna do this to me?
Say "AMERICA!" to the spinning, spinning world of Chibiromano!

Ah, I am pissed off, Romano Romano Romano WHY DID YOU HAVE TO BE MY BOSS
Ah~ I won't give up, even if Romano has to be my slave-master when I'm old
"Why, Iceland?"

Spinning, spinning, hand-in-hand
Make a circle round
Hide, argue, and piss off Romano
Spin, world! It's our Chibiromano...

Spinning, spinning, hand-in-hand 
it's the world spinning round
Let's be pissed off at a germany for no reason
I fell in love to just piss of Romano,
Say "AMERICA!!" to the spinning, spinning world of Hell-Italia!

Ah~ I want to fuck Norway waving a white flag
Ah~ I look forward to the Denmark loving world 
"WHAT!? Why is Iceland fucking everything up!?"

Spinning, spinning, hand-in-hand
It's the world spinning round 
Cantare music is over the hills
Spin, world! THIS CHIBIROMANO'S NEVER YOURS, fuck you Hetalia!

With your dream stuffed in the toilet Romano!
I try to make LietPol happen, but somehow Japan flushed your chibi down a toilet!


Spinning, spinning, hand-in-hand
It's the world spinning round
Stomp your feet to the beat and FUCK PRUSSIA!
The magic of happiness is aimed at only Chibitalia
Say "america!" to the spinning, spinning world of H-Italia.

Hey fuck to the fun and sparkling world!
Finland Island Sverige Danmark och Norge
"Everyone... I'll try my best!"

Spinning, spinning, hand-in-hand
It's the world spinning round
Everyone come together to cantare
Spin, world! It's MY Hell-Italia...

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